Chapter 12: Kade’s Purple Porpoise Pencil
The next morning, Massey woke up on a pile of crushed popcorn. They had finished watching the Hobbit that night with Stanley. Stanley enjoyed it very much. Kade and Massey both woke up at 10 o’clock that morning.
Kade looked up and said, “Race you to the bottom of the pool.” Massey shot out of his chair and changed. After he changed, he ran out of the room and saw Kade running across the bridge. Massey jumped on the fences and jumped over Kade’s head. He bounced up and and cannonballed into the pool. Kade got his entire body soaked. Massey laughed and yelled, “Haha, in your face!” Kade glared and did a jackknife into the pool. “In YOUR face.” Kade countered.
After Massey and Kade changed, they ate breakfast and decided to explore the rest of the town. Massey had Cyclammer and the Creaver and Kade had his Foot-Cleaver. Kade ran ahead and tried on a bullet-proof vest. Massey had all of the “armor” from Wal-Mart on. Kade ran ahead and saw a monster that looked like a sumo wrestler with hippo skin. It was sitting alone with a checker board that was set up.
“Would you care to join me in a game of Checkers?” the thing asked. “If you win you get this pencil. It has unlimited lead and whatever you draw will come to life.” Kade nodded and said, “Prepare to lose a pencil.”
Twenty minutes later, the monster was raging at Kade. Kade quickly nabbed the pencil and sprinted alongside Massey.
Massey turned and said, “Was it really necessary to beat him at Checkers?”
Kade shook his head, “I’m sorry! I’m just too amazing!”
Massey yelled, “He’s coming! Kade! Draw us a protection!!!”
Kade grabbed the pencil and said, “Come on, this is our only hope.” Kade stopped and scribbled a rock in front of him. The monster’s eyes went wide and it tripped and flew into a tree. Clonk! The monster had been knocked out. Kade smiled and said, “I think I’m going to like my little purple pencil with a porpoise eraser. I can draw myself a new friend.”
“You’re not serious. Right?” Massey asked.
Kade shook his head, “No, I’m serious.” Kade waited for a few seconds and said, “Of course not! Why would you think that!?” They both laughed and started to walk home.
When they got home, their dads were digging in the hole, again. Massey ran over to the hole and asked, “How deep is it?”
Massey’s dad was on a break and said, “We’ve dug about 10 feet of the ground. We’re still not sure how deep the laser dug into the ground.” Massey nodded.
After lunch, Massey went outside with Kade to hang out in the tree house and have a hatchet throwing contest. When they got into the tree house, they couldn't find the hatchets. They looked everywhere. Kade finally decided to throw the hunting knives at the cut log hanging above the entrance to the diving board and exercise room. They both stood beside each other with each a knife in hand. Kade went first. He flung the knife and stuck it in the 8-point circle.
Massey nodded and said, “Not bad, but can you beat this?” Massey flung the knife as hard as he could and it bounced off of the wall and into the pool. Splash! Massey groaned. They made the rule that if they landed it outside of the tree house they had to jump in the pool from the diving board to get it. They had to be pushed by the competitor. Massey walked to the plank with Kade grinning and following him. He tried to brace himself, but Kade pushed him and Massey fell backwards into the pool. Splash! Massey looked up and saw Kade taking pictures with his Nikon Z6 camera.

After Massey dried off, he climbed into the tree house where Kade was looking at a video of Massey with Kaden. Massey rolled his eyes and asked, “Are we going to finish our game or not?” Kade, who was looking smug, said, “Sure, you probably want to change into swimming trunks before you throw the knife into the water again.” Massey rolled his eyes and said, “I actually should, you might splash me when you get pushed off.” Kade grinned and said, “Let’s just play and we’ll see.” Long story short, a soggy Massey lost 27-0.
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